Human A&P I

Dr. Chabot



Good note taking is essential to performing well in this class (remember that the exams and quizzes are based solely on lecture notes).  A few "golden rules":

1) Come to class and be ready to interact. It is difficult to take good notes if you do not attend class.  We will cover material in lecture that is not covered in the book.  Also understand that sleep deprivation will affect the quality of your notes your comprehension.

2) Take notes - don't try to record my every word - cut out unecess. words, abbrev, use ≈'s.

3) Be sure to draw the figures/diagrams that I draw on the board (good test questions)

4) Arrive 1-2 minutes early and copy the lecture outline from the board (always on the left side)

5) Read the appropriate section in the book before you come to class - this will increase your comprehension and you will be able to think more while you are in class

6) If you have a question or don't understand something - BE SURE to ask the question either in class, right after class, during office hours, or ask a friend (be sure they know the answers)



You may find it helpful to form study groups with your classmates. NOTES: 1) friends do not always make the best study partners, choose someone with similar interests in the class; 2) a suggested maximum size is 4-5, more than that and you may not benefit at all; 3) Do not be a passive listener (sponge) in your group, ask questions and interact (just like class).